by Dwight A. Pryor
WITH THE APPROACH of spring we have entered the annual cycle of the biblical mo'adim or appointed times of the LORD. Last month we commemorated the mighty redemption that God wrought at Passover – first for Israel in Egypt, and then in Jerusalem for all humanity, with the sacrifice of the paschal Lamb of God.
Presently we are counting the forty-nine days of the Omer (barley sheaf offering, Lev 23:10-11) – in anticipation of the fiftieth day when we will celebrate the Feast of Weeks or Shavu'ot (Pentecost in the New Testament). On this day we joyously remember the awesome revelation of the Torah, written by the Spirit of God and given to the children of Israel at Mt Sinai, joined with the outpouring of that same Spirit upon Jesus' followers assembled at the House of the LORD on Mt. Zion.
This transition period provides an opportune time to reflect upon some of the lessons that Passover can teach us as followers of the Rabbi from Nazareth, even as we await the empowerment that attends Pentecost. After all, the Torah contains valuable lessons that were affirmed and advanced in the life and teachings of Jesus.
Though the lessons are many, here are three that are timely for Christians to hear.
Lesson 1. God "passes over" so that His redeemed people can "go forth" not "go up"! The common Christian orientation to redemption is that we are saved in order to go to heaven. The biblical orientation by contrast is that we are saved in order to serve. Salvation is a gift of God's grace but also a summons to His service. We are called out of darkness into God's marvelous light in order to go forth into the world as priests under His kingship. Of course redemption has profound implications for life in the world to come. But the biblical focus is on this world and God's purposes for it. We are redeemed in order to live redemptively as agents of the advancing Kingdom of God in the earth.
Lesson 2. How do we get to the Promised Land? Answer: We walk there! The old gospel songs notwithstanding, the Promised Land is not heaven. (There are no giants to conquer nor enemies to overcome in heaven.) Rather it is that divinely appointed place in this world where the redeemed of the Lord find the fullness of shalom – of peace, productivity and prosperity – in the presence and service of their God. One does not get to that promised place riding on a "magic carpet", whether of drugs or psychic experiences, or by esoteric knowledge or philosophical proficiency. Proper beliefs, though necessary, are not alone sufficient to get you there.
No, as the writer of Hebrews emphasizes, we get to the "Promised Land" by walking there. It's a walk of faith, a pilgrimage characterized by obedience and faithfulness, resulting in ever increasing moral maturity and spiritual completeness. In other words we must emulate the example of Yeshua, our Teacher, and follow in his footsteps as the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:1-2).
Lesson 3. As we "go forth" in faith God goes before us in faithfulness. Like a good shepherd in the ancient near east, the Lord walks ahead of the sheep, and they follow as they hear his voice. In the context of Israel's journey through the wilderness, Moses declares: "Thou goest before them, in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night" (Num 14:14). The Hebrew text literally reads, "You walked before them..." and a Jewish midrash adds, "One leg was as a pillar of cloud and the other, a pillar of fire."
We can go forth into the world as the redeemed of the Lord, confident that He will meet us there, leading us on the journey and empowering us for His service. Even today we hear the Shepherd of Israel's voice calling: "Follow me!" (literally "Walk after me!" Passover teaches us that, like Abraham, we must "arise and go forth!"
Getting from Passover to the Promised Land – from redemption to sanctification – requires our Redeemer's guidance, direction and instruction, i.e., torah. So the next stop on our journey to freedom will be at Sinai and the mountain of revelation. Shavu'ot awaits us.
Want to study this subject in-depth? We recommend Our Journey From Passover To Freedom.
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